Forum Invitation: “An American Political System for Albania”

The Institute “Sami Frashëri” in Tirana, in collaboration with the Center for Advanced Studies (CNS) in Sarajevo, is delighted to extend an invitation to the forthcoming session of our intellectual engagement platform, “Open Seminars.” This initiative is dedicated to fostering critical perspectives on contemporary societal challenges.

Event Details:

  • Date: Tuesday, January 31, 2023
  • Time: 14:00
  • Location: Institute “Sami Frashëri,” “Student City” opposite building 11, Tirana
  • Guest Speaker: Political scientist and researcher Dr. Mentor Beqa, Director of the Institute “Sami Frashëri”
  • Topic: “An American Political System for Albania”

About the Session:

In this thought-provoking seminar, Dr. Mentor Beqa will explore the intriguing proposition of implementing an American political system in Albania. This discussion promises to engage attendees in a deep dive into the comparative analysis of political systems, examining how the principles of the American system could be adapted or applied to the Albanian context.

Why Attend?

  • Insightful Analysis: Gain a comprehensive understanding of the American political system and its potential applicability in Albania through expert insights from Dr. Beqa.
  • Engage in Critical Dialogue: Participate in a vibrant discussion on the merits, challenges, and feasibility of adapting foreign political systems to local contexts.
  • Networking Opportunity: Connect with scholars, students, and professionals interested in political science, governance, and societal development.

About “Open Seminars”:

“Open Seminars” serves as a dynamic platform for scholars, students, and the broader public to engage with significant social, political, economic, and cultural topics. By inviting seasoned experts and academicians to share their knowledge, the series aims to make complex societal issues accessible and understandable to a wider audience.

We warmly invite everyone interested in the dynamics of political systems and the future of governance in Albania to join us for this enlightening session. Your presence and contributions are invaluable to enriching the discourse.

We look forward to welcoming you to an engaging and stimulating discussion on the potential for an American political system in Albania. Your participation will undoubtedly contribute significantly to the richness of the dialogue.