Tirana turns into the Center of Ottoman Studies in June 2024


October 19 2023

Invitation to the “Open Seminars” Discussion: The Challenges of Population Census in Albania

5:30 pm  •  Institute "Sami Frashëri," "Student City" opposite building 11, Tirana
April 15 2023

Next Session of “Open Seminars” on Emerging Writers and Their Journey in the Literary World

11:30 am  •  Institute "Sami Frashëri," "Student City" opposite building 11, Tirana.
March 30 2023

Upcoming Session on “The Exodus of Albanians: Beyond the Dramatic Numbers”

5:00 pm  •  Institute "Sami Frashëri," "Student City" opposite building 11, Tirana.
February 25 2023

Forum Invitation: Deconstructing Serbian Myths about Kosovo

11:00 am  •  Institute "Sami Frashëri," "Student City" opposite building 11, Tirana.
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About Us

The mission of the Institute of Political Studies "Sami Frasheri," founded in 2021 as a civic initiative of a group of scholars and public polemists open to all like-minded people, is to foster critical thinking and evidence-based decision-making, engaging with a broad spectrum of stakeholders including policymakers, academia, and the general public, and publishing insightful research findings and policy recommendations to inform and empower an engaged citizenry.

Mission Governance Reports

Our Team

Dr. Ardian MUHAJ

Chairman of the Governing Board

Dr. Ardian Muhaj is a distinguished faculty member at the Institute of History within the prestigious Academy of Sciences of Albania in Tirana. He is also a Correspondent Member of the Portuguese Academy of History in Lisbon. His exemplary scholarship in medieval history was recognized with the Costa Veiga Award in 2008, a prestigious honor bestowed by the Portuguese Academy of History for outstan...

Dr. Mentor BEQA

Executive Director

Dr. Mentor Beqa is senior lecturer of International Politics and Research Methods at the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences at “Aleksandër Moisiu” University, Durrës and Executive Director of Institute of Political Studies “Sami Frashëri”. He graduated Journalism from University of Tirana, then pursued Master studies in International Security at the University of Geneva and received ...

Dr. Vehap KOLA

Projects director

Dr. Vehap Kola, an esteemed scholar with a PhD in Management and Organization Studies from Marmara University in Istanbul, holds a multifaceted professional portfolio that spans academia, media, social activism, mentorship, and research. As a lecturer at the University of New York in Tirana, Dr. Kola imparts his expertise in management to aspiring students, while also shaping public discourse as a...

Associate Professor Gentiana Kraja, born on August 17, 1979, in Shkodër, has established herself as a distinguished academic and professional in the fields of Human Resource Management (HRM), Organizational Behavior, Public Administration, Public Policies, and Higher Education.Her career journey commenced in the banking sector, where she honed her skills and gained valuable experience. Subsequent...

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ilir KALEMAJ

International Politics

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ilir Kalemaj is Vice Rector for Research and International Affairs and Chair of Department of Political Science & International Relations at the University of New York Tirana.He is a recipient of numerous grants, projects and awards. His research interest lie in the area of comparative politics, primarily democratization, elections, ethnic politics & nationalism studies. H...

Prof. Assoc. Llambi Prendi, Vice Rector of Aleksander Moisiu University of Durres (UAMD), is a distinguished figure in the field of economics, boasting a rich academic and professional background. With a foundational B.S. from the State University of Tirana in 2010, Prendi advanced his academic journey by earning a M.S. from the State University of Durres, culminating in a Ph.D. in Economics Scien...

Prof. Assoc. Dr. Albana Demi (Mosho) currently serves as a full-time faculty member at "Aleksander Moisiu" University in Durrës. Prior to joining academia, she had long-term and successful experience in drafting and implementing fiscal policies during her tenure with the Albanian Tax Administration.  Dr. Demi has successfully completed her studies at the Agricultural University of Tirana, includ...

Dr. Alida Tomja serves as a distinguished lecturer in the Department of Political Science, within the Faculty of Political Sciences and Law at "Aleksandër Moisiu" University of Durrës. Her academic journey commenced with a degree in Political Science from the University of Tirana, where she also completed her Master's and Doctoral studies in International Relations, showcasing a profound dedicat...