The Sami Frashëri Institute hosted the 25th international scientific symposium of the Comité International des Études Pré-Ottomanes et Ottomanes (International Committee for Pre-Ottoman and Ottoman Studies, CIÉPO) which took place from June 21st to June 24th, 2024, at the premises of the European University of Tirana and the Canadian Institute of Technology.

This symposium is the most significant scientific event held in the field of pre-Ottoman and Ottoman studies on an international level, attended by the most prominent scholars in the field. The symposium was one of the most important scientific activities ever held in Albania, with nearly 170 scholars participating from around the world and from prestigious universities including Harvard, Princeton, Oxford, Cambridge, and others.

The opening ceremony of the conference was attended by the Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey in Tirana, Mr. Tayyar Kağan Atay, the Ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Mr. Anar Huseynov, the Ambassador of the Republic of Bulgaria, Mr. Ivaylo Kirov, the Acting President of CIÉPO, Prof. Dr. İlhan Şahin, the President of the European University of Tirana, Prof. Dr. Selami Xhepa, the representative for foreign relations of the Canadian Institute of Technology, Prof. Dr. Reis Mulita, and the Director of the Balkan Studies Center at the New York University in Tirana, Prof. Dr. Cihan Özdemir.

The conference was addressed by the Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey, Mr. Atay, the President of UET, Prof. Xhepa, the President of CIÉPO, Prof. Şahin, the Chairman of the Board of the Sami Frashëri Institute, Dr. Ardian Muhaj, and Prof. Mulita from CIT.

Ambassador Atay praised the organization of such an event in Tirana, emphasizing the need for the development of such activities that shed light on our shared past and enable the creation of common perspectives as peoples who have shared a common history for centuries.

The President of UET, Prof. Xhepa, expressed his enthusiasm for hosting such an event at the European University of Tirana and expressed gratitude to CIÉPO for gathering dozens of scholars from the world’s best universities in Tirana.

The Director of Programs at the Sami Frashëri Institute, Dr. Vehap Kola, expressed the Institute’s gratitude for CIÉPO’s trust in entrusting the Sami Frashëri Institute with the organization of such a historic event that coincides with the 50th anniversary of the Comité International des Études Pré-Ottomanes et Ottomanes.

During the four days of the conference proceedings, scholars in the field shared their studies with each other. All sessions were followed with dedication and interaction by colleagues eager to share their scientific findings. The 25th CIÉPO symposium concluded with a visit of the international scholars to the historic city of Berat, a UNESCO protected city.

The International Committee for Pre-Ottoman and Ottoman Studies (CIÉPO) is a key academic institution dedicated to the study of historical periods preceding and including the Ottoman era. It supports, coordinates, and disseminates research across various humanistic disciplines such as history, philosophy, the history of religion, literature, and ethnology. CIÉPO is committed to inclusivity, welcoming scholars based on their contributions rather than nationality, fostering interdisciplinary dialogue and enhancing the understanding of Pre-Ottoman and Ottoman histories. Membership requires active participation in its symposia, emphasizing the importance of direct scholarly exchange.

CIÉPO organizes biennial symposia that are crucial events in the academic calendar for scholars in this field. These gatherings, since the first one in Naples in 1974, have significantly advanced the field by providing platforms for presenting research, discussing theoretical and methodological issues, and forming collaborative relationships. The recent symposium in Tirana in 2024 marks fifty years of CIÉPO’s contributions, showcasing its growth, adaptability to new academic challenges, and its ongoing commitment to enriching the study of Pre-Ottoman and Ottoman histories.

The Sami Frashëri Institute, based in Tirana, Albania, is a Civil Society Organization established in 2021. Inspired by the legacy of Sami Frashëri, a notable figure in Albanian renaissance literature and civic activism, the institute focuses on promoting democratic governance, civic participation, government accountability, the rule of law, and human rights. Founded by a group of academicians and public intellectuals, it encourages participation from all individuals committed to societal transformation in Albania.

The Institute’s mission includes conducting rigorous research, providing educational programs, engaging with the public, and disseminating research findings and policy recommendations. Its activities span political science, international relations, and relevant areas within the Albanian context. By fostering critical thinking and evidence-based decision-making, the institute aims to generate impactful knowledge and initiatives that benefit society, ultimately advancing Albania’s democratic structure and empowering individuals through education, public dialogue, and knowledge dissemination.

Tirana bëhet Qendra e Studimeve Osmane gjatë Qershorit 2024

Instituti Sami Frashëri mikëpriti me sukses simpoziumin e 25-të shkencor ndërkombëtar të Comité International des Études Pré-Ottomanes et Ottomanes (International Committee for Pre-Ottoman and Ottoman Studies, CIÉPO) që u zhvillua nga data 21 qershor deri më 24 qershor 2024 në ambientet e Universitetit Europian të Tiranës dhe Institutit Kanadez të Teknologjisë.

Ky simpozium është aktiviteti më i rëndësishëm shkencor që mbahet në fushën e studimeve para osmane dhe osmane në nivel ndërkombëtar, ku marrin pjesë studiuesit më të njohur të fushës. Simpoziumi ishte një prej aktiviteteve shkencore më të rëndësishme të mbajtura ndonjëherë në Shqipëri, ku morën pjesë pothuajse 170 studiues nga e gjithë bota dhe nga universitetet më të rëndësishme, përfshirë Harvard, Princeton, Oxford, Cambridge, Heidelberg, Vienna, METU, Instabul, Bilkent, Tokjo, Seul etj.

Në ceremoninë e hapjes së konferencës ishin të pranishëm Ambasadori i Republikës së Turqisë në Tiranë, Z. Tayyar Kağan Atay, Ambasadori i Republikës së Azerbajxhanit, Z. Anar Huseynov, Ambasadori i Republikës së Bullgarisë, Z. Ivaylo Kirov, Presidenti në detyrë i CIÉPO, Prof. Dr. İlhan Şahin, Presidenti i Universitetit Europian të Tiranës, Prof. Dr. Selami Xhepa, përfaqësuesi për marrëdhëniet me jashtë të Canadian Institute of Technology, Prof. Dr. Reis Mulita dhe Drejtori i Qendrës së Studimeve Ballkanike pranë Universitetit të New York në Tiranë, Prof. Dr. Cihan Özdemir.

Konferencën e përshëndetën Ambasadori i Republikës së Turqisë Z. Atay, Presidenti i UET, Prof. Xhepa, Presidenti i CIÉPO, Prof. Şahin, Kryetari i Bordit të Institutit Sami Frashëri Dr. Ardian Muhaj dhe Prof. Mulita nga CIT.

Ambasadori i Republikës së Turqisë Z. Atay e vlerësoi lart organizimin e një aktiviteti të tillë në Tiranë dhe vuri theksin në nevojën e zhvillimit të aktiviteteve të tilla që ndriçojnë të shkuarën tonë të përbashkët dhe na mundësojnë krijimin e perspektivave të përbashkëta si popuj që kemi bashkëndarë një histori të përbashkët në shekuj.

Presidenti i UET, Prof. Xhepa shprehu entuziazmin e tij për hostimin e një aktiviteti të tillë në ambientet e Universitetit Europian të Tiranës dhe shprehu mirënjohje për CIÉPO për grumbullimin në UET të dhjetëra studiuesve nga universitetet më të mira të botës në Tiranë.

Drejtori i Programeve në Institutin Sami Frashëri, Dr. Vehap Kola, shprehu mirënjohjen e Institutit për besimin që tregoi CIÉPO për t’i besuar Institutit Sami Frashëri organizimin e një eventi të tillë historik që korrespondon me 50-vjetorin e themelimit të Comité International des Études Pré-Ottomanes et Ottomanes.

Gjatë katër ditëve të zhvillimit të punimeve të konferencës, studiuesit e fushës bashkëndanë studimet e tyre me njëri-tjetrin. Të gjitha sesionet u ndoqën me dedikim dhe ndërveprim nga kolegët e etur për të ndarë gjetjet e tyre shkencore me njëri-tjetrin. Simpoziumi i 25-të i CIÉPO përmbyllet me një vizitë të studiuesve ndërkombëtarë në qytetin historik të Beratit, qytet i mbrojtur nga UNESCO.

Komiteti Ndërkombëtar për Studimet Para-Osmane dhe Osmane (CIÉPO) është një institucion akademik i rëndësishëm, i përkushtuar në studimin e periudhave historike që paraprijnë dhe përfshijnë epokën osmane. Ai mbështet, koordinon dhe shpërndan kërkime në disa disiplina humanistike, si historia, filozofia, historia e fesë, letërsia dhe etnologjia. CIÉPO është i angazhuar për gjithëpërfshirjen, duke mirëpritur studiues bazuar në kontributet e tyre dhe jo në përkatësinë kombëtare, duke nxitur dialog ndërdisiplinor dhe përmirësuar kuptimin e historive para-osmaniste dhe osmaniste. Anëtarësimi kërkon pjesëmarrje aktive në simpoziumet e tij, duke theksuar rëndësinë e shkëmbimit të drejtpërdrejtë shkencor.

CIÉPO organizon simpoziume bienale që janë ngjarje kyçe në kalendarin akademik për studiuesit në këtë fushë. Këto mbledhje, që nga e para në Napoli në vitin 1974, kanë avancuar ndjeshëm fushën duke ofruar platforma për paraqitjen e kërkimeve, diskutimin e çështjeve teorike dhe metodologjike, dhe krijimin e marrëdhënieve bashkëpunuese. Simpoziumi i fundit në Tiranë në vitin 2024 shënon pesëdhjetë vjet të kontributeve të CIÉPO-s, duke treguar rritjen e tij, përshtatshmërinë ndaj sfidave të reja akademike dhe angazhimin e vazhdueshëm për pasurimin e studimeve para-osmaniste dhe osmaniste.

Instituti Sami Frashëri, me seli në Tiranë, Shqipëri, është një Organizatë e Shoqërisë Civile (OSHC) e themeluar në vitin 2021. I inspiruar nga trashëgimia e Sami Frashërit, një figurë e shquar në letërsinë e rilindjes shqiptare dhe aktivizmin qytetar, instituti fokusohet në promovimin e qeverisjes demokratike, pjesëmarrjes qytetare, llogaridhënies së qeverisë, sundimit të ligjit dhe të drejtave të njeriut. I themeluar nga një grup akademikësh dhe intelektualësh publikë, ai inkurajon pjesëmarrjen e të gjithë individëve të angazhuar për transformimin shoqëror të Shqipërisë.

Misioni i Institutit përfshin zhvillimin e kërkimeve rigoroze, ofrimin e programeve arsimore, angazhimin me publikun dhe shpërndarjen e gjetjeve të kërkimeve dhe rekomandimeve të politikave. Aktivitetet e tij përfshijnë shkencat politike, marrëdhëniet ndërkombëtare dhe fusha të tjera relevante brenda kontekstit shqiptar. Duke promovuar mendimin kritik dhe vendimmarrjen të bazuar në prova, instituti synon të gjenerojë njohuri dhe iniciativa që përfitojnë shoqërinë, duke avancuar strukturën demokratike të Shqipërisë dhe fuqizuar individët përmes edukimit, dialogut publik dhe shpërndarjes së njohurive.

Sami Frasheri Institute
Rruga Pjeter Budi,
Qyteti Studenti, Tiranë

The 25th Symposium of the Comité International des Études Pré-Ottomanes et Ottomanes (International Committee for Pre-Ottoman and Ottoman Studies, CIÉPO) will take place in Tirana, Albania, from June 21-25, 2024. Hosted by the Sami Frashëri Institute, this event is a significant gathering for scholars of Ottoman and pre-Ottoman studies, featuring a wide range of panels and discussions that delve into various aspects of Ottoman history, culture, and society.

Academic Themes and Panels

The symposium’s program is diverse, covering a multitude of topics related to the Ottoman Empire. Key themes include:

  1. Law and Order in the Ottoman World: This theme explores the strategies and challenges of law enforcement in the 17th and 18th centuries. Panels will discuss crime and punishment in different Ottoman territories, the impact of war on law enforcement, and the role of the Ottoman naval arsenal in maintaining public order.
  2. Religion and Society in Medieval Anatolia: Panels will investigate new approaches to understanding religion and societal structures in Medieval Anatolia, including the influence of various religious and literary traditions.
  3. Diplomacy and International Relations: Discussions will focus on the diplomacy of Ottoman tributaries during the 16th and 17th centuries, examining the political maneuvers and relationships that shaped the empire’s external affairs.
  4. Economic and Commercial Landscapes: This theme addresses the commercial activities and economic policies of the Ottoman Empire. Panels will cover topics such as the olive oil economy, the role of merchants, and the economic interactions between Venice and the Ottoman Balkans.
  5. Cultural and Intellectual Developments: The symposium will feature panels on the transmission of knowledge and cultural practices, including the adaptation of foreign knowledge in the late Ottoman Empire and the development of Ottoman literary culture.
  6. Social and Labor Issues: Various panels will discuss social dynamics and labor practices in the Ottoman Empire, including seasonal and migrant labor, the role of women in socio-economic life, and the impact of infrastructure projects on local communities.
  7. Political and Military History: Several panels will delve into the political and military aspects of the Ottoman Empire, such as the Sokollu family’s political influence, the Ottoman-Habsburg conflicts, and the role of janissaries in the late Ottoman period.
  8. Health and Environment: Discussions will also cover public health and environmental issues in the Ottoman Empire, such as epidemic diseases, urban sanitation, and the management of natural resources.

Emphasis on Albanian Studies

A notable feature of this year’s symposium is the significant focus on the history and experiences of Albanians during the Ottoman period. Various panels will specifically address the social, political, and cultural aspects of Albanian life under Ottoman rule. Topics include:

  • The role of Albanian soldiers in the Ottoman military campaigns.
  • The administrative and social structures in Ottoman Albania.
  • The influence of Ottoman governance on Albanian cultural and intellectual life.

These discussions aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of the complex interactions between the Ottoman state and the Albanian population, shedding light on how these historical dynamics have shaped contemporary Albanian society.

Cultural and Social Events

In addition to the academic sessions, the symposium will include social events designed to foster networking and collaboration among participants. A welcoming cocktail at the MAK Albania Hotel and a cultural tour to Berat are planned, providing attendees with opportunities to experience Albanian culture and history firsthand.

The 25th Symposium of the CIÉPO in Tirana promises to be a landmark event for scholars of Ottoman and pre-Ottoman studies. With its rich program of academic panels and cultural activities, the symposium will offer valuable insights into the complexities of Ottoman history and society. The Sami Frashëri Institute looks forward to hosting this prestigious gathering and contributing to the ongoing scholarly discourse in this field.

For a detailed program of the symposium, please consult the full program available on this page.

“Sami Frasheri” hosts 25th Symposium of the International Committee for Pre-Ottoman and Ottoman Studies (CIÉPO)

The 25th Symposium of the International Committee for Pre-Ottoman and Ottoman Studies (CIÉPO) is set to take place in Tirana, Albania, from June 21st to June 25th, 2024, hosted by Sami Frasheri Institute and Europenan University of Tirana. This marks a historic occasion as it is the first time the CIÉPO Symposium will be hosted in Albania since its inception in 1974 in Naples, Italy. Organized by the Sami Frashëri Institute in cooperation with the European University of Tirana, the event underscores the growing significance of Albania in the global academic community and highlights the country’s rich historical connection to Ottoman studies.

Academic Importance

The CIÉPO Symposium is a pivotal event in the field of Pre-Ottoman and Ottoman studies, offering a platform for scholars to present cutting-edge research, engage in scientific discussions, and enhance cultural and historical understanding of the Ottoman era. Since its establishment, the symposium has facilitated interdisciplinary collaboration and contributed significantly to the advancement of knowledge in the field. The biennial gatherings have become renowned for their role in fostering scholarly dialogue and exploring the multifaceted history of the Ottoman Empire.

Global Participation

This year’s symposium is expected to welcome more than 200 distinguished scholars from over 30 countries, including participants from prestigious institutions such as Harvard, Princeton, Cambridge, and Oxford. The selection process was highly competitive, with over 370 scholars applying to participate, underscoring the event’s prestige and the widespread academic interest in Ottoman studies. The symposium’s international nature highlights the global commitment to and the scholarly importance of this field of study.

Significance of Hosting in Tirana

Hosting the 25th CIÉPO Symposium in Tirana is a momentous event for Albania. It highlights the country’s growing role in international academic circles and its contributions to the field of Ottoman studies. The symposium provides a unique opportunity to spotlight Albania’s historical connections to the Ottoman Empire and enrich the local academic landscape. Furthermore, it fosters international collaboration and offers Albanian scholars a platform to engage with global discussions on Ottoman history.

The 25th CIÉPO Symposium in Tirana represents a landmark event in the academic calendar for Pre-Ottoman and Ottoman studies. It promises to be an enriching assembly of minds and ideas, furthering our understanding of one of history’s most influential empires. The symposium will foster scholarly exchange, promote interdisciplinary research, and enhance the global academic community’s appreciation of Ottoman history. This historic gathering is set to contribute significantly to the intellectual and cultural enrichment of the field, and the support of donors will play a crucial role in its success.


The International Committee for Pre-Ottoman and Ottoman Studies (CIÉPO) is a prominent academic institution dedicated to the study of historical periods preceding and including the Ottoman era. Founded in 1974, CIÉPO aims to support, coordinate, and disseminate research across various disciplines within the humanistic sciences, including history, philosophy, the history of religion, literature, and ethnology, all related to Pre-Ottoman and Ottoman contexts.

CIÉPO is committed to inclusivity, welcoming scholars from diverse national backgrounds based on their scholarly contributions. This principle fosters rich, interdisciplinary dialogue among researchers and enhances the collective understanding of Pre-Ottoman and Ottoman histories. Membership in CIÉPO requires active engagement in the organization’s symposia, emphasizing the value placed on direct scholarly exchange and contribution to the field.

The biennial symposia organized by CIÉPO are pivotal events in the academic calendar for scholars interested in Pre-Ottoman and Ottoman studies. These gatherings serve as platforms for presenting research findings, discussing theoretical and methodological issues, and forging collaborative relationships among scholars. Since the inaugural symposium in Naples in 1974, these events have been instrumental in advancing the field, marking significant milestones in the dissemination of knowledge and scholarly debate.

The trajectory from the first symposium in Naples to the upcoming one in Tirana in 2024 underscores the growth and evolving scope of CIÉPO’s activities over fifty years. This progression reflects CIÉPO’s adaptability to new academic challenges and its ongoing commitment to enriching the field of Pre-Ottoman and Ottoman studies. Through these symposia, CIÉPO has not only facilitated the exchange of ideas but also contributed to shaping the academic discourse on these historical periods, underscoring the organization’s enduring impact on the study of Pre-Ottoman and Ottoman histories.

The international scientific conference “Albanians and Communism,” co-organized by the Sami Frashëri Institute and the Institute for the Study of Communist Crimes and Consequences (ISKK), successfully concluded its sessions on November 15-16. The presentations offered during the conference illuminated lesser-known aspects of Albanian history during the communist era, marking one of the first attempts to comprehensively study communism and its impact across all Albanian-inhabited regions.

Highlights and Insights:

Over the two-day event, a diverse range of experts and scholars presented their research, shedding light on the origins, development, and consequences of communism in Albania and the wider Balkan area where Albanians reside. Topics ranged from the inception of communism among Albanian communities, the role of the Communist League of Yugoslavia in the establishment of the Albanian Communist Party (PKSH), and the characteristics and nature of the communist regime in Albania and former Yugoslavia, with a focus on Kosovo and North Macedonia.

Key Discussions:

  • The influence of Yugoslav communists in shaping Albania’s communist regime and the broader implications for the region.
  • The failure of communism and its lasting impact on Albanian society and culture.
  • The role of communism in shaping contemporary Albanian identity and political landscape.

Outcomes and Future Directions:

The conference succeeded in fostering an open dialogue among academics, providing a platform for the exchange of ideas and research findings. The discussions highlighted the need for further study into the comprehensive impact of communism on the Albanian people, suggesting avenues for future research and collaboration among scholars in the field.

Publications and Legacy:

Selected papers from the conference are slated for publication in a forthcoming book, which promises to serve as a significant resource for students, researchers, and anyone interested in the history of communism in the Albanian-speaking regions. This collection of essays will contribute to a deeper understanding of the complex legacy of communism in the Balkans and its continuing influence on contemporary society.

The “Albanians and Communism” conference has set a precedent for future scholarly endeavors, emphasizing the importance of revisiting and critically assessing the historical narrative of communism in Albania and beyond. It underscores the collective effort to document, analyze, and understand the multifaceted impact of this pivotal period in Albanian history, paving the way for a nuanced exploration of its repercussions on the Albanian identity and regional dynamics.


October 19, 2023 – In an insightful session of the “Open Seminars,” the Institute “Sami Frashëri” and the Center for Advanced Studies (CNS) hosted Prof. Asoc. Ardit Bido, Director of the Albanian Archives. The seminar took place on Thursday, October 19, 2023, and focused on the contentious issue of ethnic self-declaration during Albania’s population census, particularly concerning the Greek minority in southern Albania. Prof. Bido’s latest book, “The Battle for 20 Percent,” served as the basis for a riveting discussion on the topic.

Key Insights from the Seminar:

Prof. Bido illuminated the audience on the strategies employed by Greece and Greece-backed groups aiming to inflate the Greek-speaking population figures in certain Albanian municipalities to reach a 20 percent threshold. According to a law passed in 2017, achieving this percentage would enable the introduction of the Greek language in public spaces within these regions.

The discussion highlighted how Greek authorities, leveraging various forms of coercion, attempt to influence Albanian policies, particularly in the context of Albania’s path toward European Union integration. These tactics are seen as part of broader efforts to assert Greek interests in southern Albania, often at the expense of Albanian sovereignty and the interests of its citizens.

Albanian Authorities’ Response:

The seminar shed light on the perceived weakness of Albanian authorities in countering these external pressures effectively. It was noted that while there is an awareness of these attempts by Greek authorities and affiliated groups, a robust and assertive stance to safeguard Albania’s interests remains lacking.

Implications for Albania:

The discussion underscored the critical importance of conducting a fair and transparent census process that accurately reflects the demographic realities of the country. It also called for a stronger diplomatic and policy response from Albanian authorities to ensure that the interests of Albania are prioritized and protected against external influences.


The seminar, “The Battle for 20 Percent,” provided a comprehensive analysis of the challenges surrounding ethnic self-declaration in Albania’s population census and the external pressures affecting this process. The event highlighted the need for Albania to fortify its stance against undue external influences and underscored the significance of safeguarding national sovereignty in the face of geopolitical maneuvering. The insights offered by Prof. Bido offered a crucial perspective on the dynamics at play in southern Albania and the broader implications for the country’s future.

June 9, 2023 – The “Open Seminars” series, renowned for its insightful discussions on geopolitics, recently welcomed Dr. Emir Hadzikadunic, a former ambassador and esteemed expert in Balkan security. The seminar focused on the evolving American strategy in the Balkans, which Dr. Hadzikadunic critically evaluated, offering his profound insights into the implications of this new ‘software’ for the region.

A New Strategic Vision:

Dr. Hadzikadunic presented an analysis of the current American strategy that proposes dividing the Western Balkans around three spheres of influence—Serbia, Croatia, and Albania. He argued that such an approach could undermine the interests of smaller states like Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, North Macedonia, and Montenegro, potentially destabilizing the region.

Realism vs. Liberal Principles:

The seminar delved into the realist underpinnings of this strategy, which prioritizes the interests of more powerful nations. Dr. Hadzikadunic cautioned against this approach, suggesting it might invite other regional actors like Italy, Turkey, and Hungary to pursue their ambitions similarly, fostering a competitive environment for influence in the Balkans and across Europe.

Dr. Hadzikadunic criticized the selective application of realist and liberal principles, highlighting the dangers of allowing some actors to operate under realist logic while others are expected to adhere to liberal norms. He advocated for a consistent and fair application of a liberal, rules-based international order that ensures equal treatment of all states in interstate relations and within international institutions.

Advocating for a Liberal, Rules-Based Order:

Emphasizing the importance of a liberal, rules-based order, Dr. Hadzikadunic argued for the equitable treatment of all actors on the international stage. He stressed that favoring major powers at the expense of smaller states could lead to instability and conflict, undermining efforts to achieve lasting peace in the Balkans.

Reflections and Policy Implications:

Dr. Hadzikadunic’s seminar raised critical questions about the viability and consequences of adopting a realist approach in the Balkans. His insights highlighted the need for policymakers to reconsider this strategy, advocating for an approach grounded in norms and rules rather than power politics to ensure the region’s long-term stability and security.

The “Open Seminars” series continues to provide a vital platform for exploring complex geopolitical issues, fostering a deeper understanding among participants and encouraging informed discussions on the future of the Balkans and beyond. Dr. Hadzikadunic’s thought-provoking presentation underscored the significance of adopting a principled stance in international relations to safeguard the interests of all nations, regardless of their size or power.

June 5, 2023 – In a compelling session of the “Open Seminars” series, Prof. Dr. Enver Bytyci, a renowned expert in geopolitical studies, presented an in-depth analysis of Russia’s strategic maneuvers in Eastern and Southeastern Europe, particularly against the backdrop of the ongoing crisis following Russia’s occupation of Ukraine. This discussion, centered around Prof. Bytyci’s latest book, “Russia’s Geopolitics in Eastern and Southeastern Europe,” drew attention to the intricate dynamics of power and influence in the region.

Insightful Analysis from Years of Research

Prof. Bytyci’s work, representing nearly two decades of rigorous research and analysis, aims to unravel the complexities of Russia’s geopolitical strategies. The seminar highlighted Russia’s aggressive posture towards its neighbors, emphasizing a strategy designed to ensure their continued dependency and subjugation, starkly contrasting with the more multifaceted approaches adopted by other global powers.

Serbia’s Role in the Geopolitical Landscape

A notable point of discussion was the parallel drawn between Serbia’s and Russia’s behaviors towards their respective neighbors. Prof. Bytyci elucidated how Serbia’s objectives go beyond mere territorial ambitions, seeking the extermination of the populations in the territories it occupies. This aggressive stance finds a counterpart in Russia’s geopolitical ambitions, with both nations fostering a relationship grounded in mutual interests rather than shared cultural or historical ties.

The Absence of an Albanian National Strategy

The seminar delved into the critical issue of Albania’s lack of a coherent national doctrine and strategy to counteract the anti-Albanian strategies propagated by Serbia. This gap, Prof. Bytyci argued, leaves Albania vulnerable to external pressures and manipulations, underscoring the need for a more robust and proactive stance in the international arena.

Current Tensions in Kosovo

Addressing the situation in Kosovo, Prof. Bytyci posited that while an escalation into open conflict seems unlikely, the prevailing conditions remain fraught with uncertainty and potential volatility. This observation underscores the precarious balance of power and influence in the region, necessitating vigilant observation and strategic foresight.

A Platform for Critical Discourse

The “Open Seminars” series continues to serve as a crucial platform for exploring and understanding the geopolitical intricacies of Eastern and Southeastern Europe. Prof. Bytyci’s seminar not only provided a thorough examination of Russia’s and Serbia’s geopolitical ambitions but also highlighted the significant challenges and considerations facing the region.

The session, rich in detail and analysis, is available for further viewing to provide audiences with a comprehensive understanding of the topics discussed. Prof. Bytyci’s insights contribute significantly to the ongoing discourse on regional and international geopolitics, offering valuable perspectives on the complex landscape of Eastern and Southeastern Europe. Watch the full conversation here.

April 30, 2023 – The historic city of Pisa, Italy, became the stage for an unprecedented celebration of Albanian cultural heritage with the inaugural Albanian Culture Week. This groundbreaking event, orchestrated by the Albanian Cultural Association “La Grande Onda” in collaboration with the Institute “Sami Frashëri” and with the robust support of the Municipality of Pisa, aimed to illuminate the rich tapestry of mutual contributions and intertwined histories of Albanians and Italians.

Festival Highlights:

Spanning three days, from April 28 to 30, the festival showcased a rich array of activities designed to highlight the deep historical and cultural connections between the Albanian and Italian peoples. The event was marked by its first-ever nature for the Albanian community in Italy and its impressive scope, aiming to foster a greater appreciation and understanding among a broader audience.

Central Exhibition: “Il Ponte su Otranto”

A pivotal component of the festival was the “Il Ponte su Otranto” exhibition, curated by the Institute “Sami Frashëri.” Positioned in the heart of Pisa, this exhibition paid homage to 30 Italian personalities whose efforts have significantly shaped Albanian history and fortified the amicable relations between the two nations. Alongside the visual presentation, a detailed photographic album provided richer historical insights into these influential figures, earning high praise from the Municipality of Pisa and captivating thousands of visitors.

Diverse Array of Activities:

  • “Sulla pelle” Exhibition: This autobiographical photo exhibition by Marlin Dedaj offered an intimate exploration of the Albanian-Italian artist’s journey, adding a deeply personal layer to the festival’s narrative.
  • Community Talk Show: Featuring members of the Albanian community in Pisa, this segment celebrated their achievements in various domains, including culture, art, and business, showcasing the community’s vibrancy and diversity.
  • Art Showcase: Curated by Pandi Madhi, this exhibition displayed the artworks of Guri Madhi and Abaz Hado in the municipality hall of Pisa, spotlighting the artistic talent within the Albanian community.

A Groundbreaking Initiative:

Supported by the Municipality of Pisa and cultural advisor Pierpaolo Magnani, and driven by the dynamism of young Albanian-Italian organizers Ariola Metani and Ervis Hiraj, the Albanian Culture Week represented a landmark moment. It not only celebrated the dynamism and richness of Albanian culture but also broadened its audience, fostering deeper appreciation and understanding.

Significance and Impact:

The Albanian Culture Week in Italy underscored the importance of cultural festivals in promoting intercultural dialogue, understanding, and collaboration. By bringing together diverse communities to celebrate their heritage and learn from each other, such events contribute to a more inclusive and enriched global cultural landscape. The overwhelming success and positive reception of this pioneering event hold the promise of inspiring future initiatives that will continue to explore and celebrate the cultural diversity and shared stories that enrich our world, reinforcing the value of intercultural engagement and mutual respect.

April 15, 2023 – The Institute “Sami Frashëri” hosted an engaging session of “Open Seminars” featuring young and talented writers Bler Vaka and Marinela Sela. The seminar, dedicated to the theme “Young Writers: The Challenges They Face and the Opportunities They Present in the Literary World,” provided a platform for an in-depth discussion on the landscape of emerging writers in Albania.

Seminar Insights:

The session illuminated the intricate journey of young writers in Albania, marked by unique challenges and potential breakthroughs in the literary scene. Bler Vaka and Marinela Sela shared excerpts from their creative works, showcasing their distinct storytelling styles and emotional depth, which resonated with the audience.

Key Challenges Highlighted:

  • Limited Access to Resources: Both speakers touched on the scarcity of support and resources available to budding writers, highlighting the struggle to gain recognition and find platforms for their work.
  • Lack of Institutional Support: The discussion also addressed the need for more robust institutional backing for writers, underscoring the importance of creating more opportunities for young talents to flourish.
  • Navigating a Path in Literature: Vaka and Sela shared insights into their personal journeys, discussing the perseverance required to make a mark in the competitive field of literature.

The Role of New Writers in Cultural Shaping:

The seminar delved into the significant impact young writers have on Albania’s cultural fabric, emphasizing the need for initiatives that support and promote emerging literary voices. The discussion called for enhanced mentorship programs, writing seminars, and platforms for young writers to showcase their work.

Engage Further with the Seminar:

Attendees and those interested in the vibrant world of Albanian literature are encouraged to engage further with the themes discussed. While specific YouTube links to the session are not provided in this summary, the Institute “Sami Frashëri” frequently updates its platforms with content from “Open Seminars.”

About “Open Seminars”:

“Open Seminars” fosters a rich environment for intellectual exchange, where scholars, writers, and the public come together to explore societal challenges and cultural trends. By featuring voices like Bler Vaka and Marinela Sela, the series highlights the dynamic contributions of young writers to the Albanian literary landscape, advocating for a more inclusive and supportive community for emerging talents.

The Institute for the Study of Communist Crimes and Consequences in Albania, in collaboration with the Sami Frashëri Institute in Tirana, is poised to host a landmark scientific conference titled “Albanians and Communism” on November 15-16, 2023, in Tirana, Albania. This pioneering event aims to delve into the origins, characteristics, and impact of communism in Albania and other Balkan regions inhabited by Albanians, such as Kosovo and North Macedonia, which were part of Yugoslavia during the communist rule from 1944 to 1991.

Conference Goals and Objectives:

The primary objective of this conference is to explore the genesis and essence of communism in Albania and the broader Albanian-speaking regions of the Balkans. It seeks to provide a platform for experts to discuss the foundation and traits of the communist regime, the role of Yugoslav communists in the formation of the Albanian Communist Party (PKSH) and the establishment of the communist regime, as well as the reasons behind communism’s failure and its enduring effects on Albanians. The event also aims to foster knowledge exchange and share research findings among participants.

Key Activities:

The conference will feature multiple sessions, each dedicated to a distinct theme, including the origin of communism among Balkan Albanians, the influence of the Communist League of Yugoslavia in creating PKSH and installing the communist regime, and the nature and characteristics of the communist regime in Albania and former Yugoslavia, focusing on Kosovo and North Macedonia. The impact of communism on Albanians and the Albanian issue, and the reasons behind the communist regime’s failure will also be discussed. Experts will present their research and engage in panel discussions with other participants, offering a valuable networking and informal discussion opportunity during conference breaks.

Expected Outcomes:

The conference is expected to provide a comprehensive overview of communism’s impact on Albanians, offering new insights into the nature of the communist regime in Albania and the Albanian-speaking territories in the Balkans. The proceedings will serve as a valuable resource for researchers and students interested in this topic. Moreover, the conference will offer a platform for experts to collaborate and continue their research in the future. Selected essays from the proceedings will be published in a book, serving as an important reference for scholars and future generations.

The “Albanians and Communism” conference represents a significant contribution to our understanding of this crucial topic. By bringing together experts from various fields and regions, the conference will offer a unique opportunity to gain new insights into the origin, history, and nature of communism in Albania, Macedonia, and Kosovo.

The Institute for the Study of Communist Crimes, in collaboration with the Sami Frashëri Institute in Tirana, is excited to announce this Call for Participation for the upcoming scientific conference, “Albanians and Communism.”

If you are interested in submitting a proposal, please send a 300-word abstract and a brief CV to and by May 31, 2023.

We look forward to receiving your proposals and meeting you at the conference!