The Sami Frashëri Institute hosted the 25th international scientific symposium of the Comité International des Études Pré-Ottomanes et Ottomanes (International Committee for Pre-Ottoman and Ottoman Studies, CIÉPO) which took place from June 21st to June 24th, 2024, at the premises of the European University of Tirana and the Canadian Institute of Technology.

This symposium is the most significant scientific event held in the field of pre-Ottoman and Ottoman studies on an international level, attended by the most prominent scholars in the field. The symposium was one of the most important scientific activities ever held in Albania, with nearly 170 scholars participating from around the world and from prestigious universities including Harvard, Princeton, Oxford, Cambridge, and others.

The opening ceremony of the conference was attended by the Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey in Tirana, Mr. Tayyar Kağan Atay, the Ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Mr. Anar Huseynov, the Ambassador of the Republic of Bulgaria, Mr. Ivaylo Kirov, the Acting President of CIÉPO, Prof. Dr. İlhan Şahin, the President of the European University of Tirana, Prof. Dr. Selami Xhepa, the representative for foreign relations of the Canadian Institute of Technology, Prof. Dr. Reis Mulita, and the Director of the Balkan Studies Center at the New York University in Tirana, Prof. Dr. Cihan Özdemir.

The conference was addressed by the Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey, Mr. Atay, the President of UET, Prof. Xhepa, the President of CIÉPO, Prof. Şahin, the Chairman of the Board of the Sami Frashëri Institute, Dr. Ardian Muhaj, and Prof. Mulita from CIT.

Ambassador Atay praised the organization of such an event in Tirana, emphasizing the need for the development of such activities that shed light on our shared past and enable the creation of common perspectives as peoples who have shared a common history for centuries.

The President of UET, Prof. Xhepa, expressed his enthusiasm for hosting such an event at the European University of Tirana and expressed gratitude to CIÉPO for gathering dozens of scholars from the world’s best universities in Tirana.

The Director of Programs at the Sami Frashëri Institute, Dr. Vehap Kola, expressed the Institute’s gratitude for CIÉPO’s trust in entrusting the Sami Frashëri Institute with the organization of such a historic event that coincides with the 50th anniversary of the Comité International des Études Pré-Ottomanes et Ottomanes.

During the four days of the conference proceedings, scholars in the field shared their studies with each other. All sessions were followed with dedication and interaction by colleagues eager to share their scientific findings. The 25th CIÉPO symposium concluded with a visit of the international scholars to the historic city of Berat, a UNESCO protected city.

The International Committee for Pre-Ottoman and Ottoman Studies (CIÉPO) is a key academic institution dedicated to the study of historical periods preceding and including the Ottoman era. It supports, coordinates, and disseminates research across various humanistic disciplines such as history, philosophy, the history of religion, literature, and ethnology. CIÉPO is committed to inclusivity, welcoming scholars based on their contributions rather than nationality, fostering interdisciplinary dialogue and enhancing the understanding of Pre-Ottoman and Ottoman histories. Membership requires active participation in its symposia, emphasizing the importance of direct scholarly exchange.

CIÉPO organizes biennial symposia that are crucial events in the academic calendar for scholars in this field. These gatherings, since the first one in Naples in 1974, have significantly advanced the field by providing platforms for presenting research, discussing theoretical and methodological issues, and forming collaborative relationships. The recent symposium in Tirana in 2024 marks fifty years of CIÉPO’s contributions, showcasing its growth, adaptability to new academic challenges, and its ongoing commitment to enriching the study of Pre-Ottoman and Ottoman histories.

The Sami Frashëri Institute, based in Tirana, Albania, is a Civil Society Organization established in 2021. Inspired by the legacy of Sami Frashëri, a notable figure in Albanian renaissance literature and civic activism, the institute focuses on promoting democratic governance, civic participation, government accountability, the rule of law, and human rights. Founded by a group of academicians and public intellectuals, it encourages participation from all individuals committed to societal transformation in Albania.

The Institute’s mission includes conducting rigorous research, providing educational programs, engaging with the public, and disseminating research findings and policy recommendations. Its activities span political science, international relations, and relevant areas within the Albanian context. By fostering critical thinking and evidence-based decision-making, the institute aims to generate impactful knowledge and initiatives that benefit society, ultimately advancing Albania’s democratic structure and empowering individuals through education, public dialogue, and knowledge dissemination.

Tirana bëhet Qendra e Studimeve Osmane gjatë Qershorit 2024

Instituti Sami Frashëri mikëpriti me sukses simpoziumin e 25-të shkencor ndërkombëtar të Comité International des Études Pré-Ottomanes et Ottomanes (International Committee for Pre-Ottoman and Ottoman Studies, CIÉPO) që u zhvillua nga data 21 qershor deri më 24 qershor 2024 në ambientet e Universitetit Europian të Tiranës dhe Institutit Kanadez të Teknologjisë.

Ky simpozium është aktiviteti më i rëndësishëm shkencor që mbahet në fushën e studimeve para osmane dhe osmane në nivel ndërkombëtar, ku marrin pjesë studiuesit më të njohur të fushës. Simpoziumi ishte një prej aktiviteteve shkencore më të rëndësishme të mbajtura ndonjëherë në Shqipëri, ku morën pjesë pothuajse 170 studiues nga e gjithë bota dhe nga universitetet më të rëndësishme, përfshirë Harvard, Princeton, Oxford, Cambridge, Heidelberg, Vienna, METU, Instabul, Bilkent, Tokjo, Seul etj.

Në ceremoninë e hapjes së konferencës ishin të pranishëm Ambasadori i Republikës së Turqisë në Tiranë, Z. Tayyar Kağan Atay, Ambasadori i Republikës së Azerbajxhanit, Z. Anar Huseynov, Ambasadori i Republikës së Bullgarisë, Z. Ivaylo Kirov, Presidenti në detyrë i CIÉPO, Prof. Dr. İlhan Şahin, Presidenti i Universitetit Europian të Tiranës, Prof. Dr. Selami Xhepa, përfaqësuesi për marrëdhëniet me jashtë të Canadian Institute of Technology, Prof. Dr. Reis Mulita dhe Drejtori i Qendrës së Studimeve Ballkanike pranë Universitetit të New York në Tiranë, Prof. Dr. Cihan Özdemir.

Konferencën e përshëndetën Ambasadori i Republikës së Turqisë Z. Atay, Presidenti i UET, Prof. Xhepa, Presidenti i CIÉPO, Prof. Şahin, Kryetari i Bordit të Institutit Sami Frashëri Dr. Ardian Muhaj dhe Prof. Mulita nga CIT.

Ambasadori i Republikës së Turqisë Z. Atay e vlerësoi lart organizimin e një aktiviteti të tillë në Tiranë dhe vuri theksin në nevojën e zhvillimit të aktiviteteve të tilla që ndriçojnë të shkuarën tonë të përbashkët dhe na mundësojnë krijimin e perspektivave të përbashkëta si popuj që kemi bashkëndarë një histori të përbashkët në shekuj.

Presidenti i UET, Prof. Xhepa shprehu entuziazmin e tij për hostimin e një aktiviteti të tillë në ambientet e Universitetit Europian të Tiranës dhe shprehu mirënjohje për CIÉPO për grumbullimin në UET të dhjetëra studiuesve nga universitetet më të mira të botës në Tiranë.

Drejtori i Programeve në Institutin Sami Frashëri, Dr. Vehap Kola, shprehu mirënjohjen e Institutit për besimin që tregoi CIÉPO për t’i besuar Institutit Sami Frashëri organizimin e një eventi të tillë historik që korrespondon me 50-vjetorin e themelimit të Comité International des Études Pré-Ottomanes et Ottomanes.

Gjatë katër ditëve të zhvillimit të punimeve të konferencës, studiuesit e fushës bashkëndanë studimet e tyre me njëri-tjetrin. Të gjitha sesionet u ndoqën me dedikim dhe ndërveprim nga kolegët e etur për të ndarë gjetjet e tyre shkencore me njëri-tjetrin. Simpoziumi i 25-të i CIÉPO përmbyllet me një vizitë të studiuesve ndërkombëtarë në qytetin historik të Beratit, qytet i mbrojtur nga UNESCO.

Komiteti Ndërkombëtar për Studimet Para-Osmane dhe Osmane (CIÉPO) është një institucion akademik i rëndësishëm, i përkushtuar në studimin e periudhave historike që paraprijnë dhe përfshijnë epokën osmane. Ai mbështet, koordinon dhe shpërndan kërkime në disa disiplina humanistike, si historia, filozofia, historia e fesë, letërsia dhe etnologjia. CIÉPO është i angazhuar për gjithëpërfshirjen, duke mirëpritur studiues bazuar në kontributet e tyre dhe jo në përkatësinë kombëtare, duke nxitur dialog ndërdisiplinor dhe përmirësuar kuptimin e historive para-osmaniste dhe osmaniste. Anëtarësimi kërkon pjesëmarrje aktive në simpoziumet e tij, duke theksuar rëndësinë e shkëmbimit të drejtpërdrejtë shkencor.

CIÉPO organizon simpoziume bienale që janë ngjarje kyçe në kalendarin akademik për studiuesit në këtë fushë. Këto mbledhje, që nga e para në Napoli në vitin 1974, kanë avancuar ndjeshëm fushën duke ofruar platforma për paraqitjen e kërkimeve, diskutimin e çështjeve teorike dhe metodologjike, dhe krijimin e marrëdhënieve bashkëpunuese. Simpoziumi i fundit në Tiranë në vitin 2024 shënon pesëdhjetë vjet të kontributeve të CIÉPO-s, duke treguar rritjen e tij, përshtatshmërinë ndaj sfidave të reja akademike dhe angazhimin e vazhdueshëm për pasurimin e studimeve para-osmaniste dhe osmaniste.

Instituti Sami Frashëri, me seli në Tiranë, Shqipëri, është një Organizatë e Shoqërisë Civile (OSHC) e themeluar në vitin 2021. I inspiruar nga trashëgimia e Sami Frashërit, një figurë e shquar në letërsinë e rilindjes shqiptare dhe aktivizmin qytetar, instituti fokusohet në promovimin e qeverisjes demokratike, pjesëmarrjes qytetare, llogaridhënies së qeverisë, sundimit të ligjit dhe të drejtave të njeriut. I themeluar nga një grup akademikësh dhe intelektualësh publikë, ai inkurajon pjesëmarrjen e të gjithë individëve të angazhuar për transformimin shoqëror të Shqipërisë.

Misioni i Institutit përfshin zhvillimin e kërkimeve rigoroze, ofrimin e programeve arsimore, angazhimin me publikun dhe shpërndarjen e gjetjeve të kërkimeve dhe rekomandimeve të politikave. Aktivitetet e tij përfshijnë shkencat politike, marrëdhëniet ndërkombëtare dhe fusha të tjera relevante brenda kontekstit shqiptar. Duke promovuar mendimin kritik dhe vendimmarrjen të bazuar në prova, instituti synon të gjenerojë njohuri dhe iniciativa që përfitojnë shoqërinë, duke avancuar strukturën demokratike të Shqipërisë dhe fuqizuar individët përmes edukimit, dialogut publik dhe shpërndarjes së njohurive.

Sami Frasheri Institute
Rruga Pjeter Budi,
Qyteti Studenti, Tiranë

The 25th Symposium of the Comité International des Études Pré-Ottomanes et Ottomanes (International Committee for Pre-Ottoman and Ottoman Studies, CIÉPO) will take place in Tirana, Albania, from June 21-25, 2024. Hosted by the Sami Frashëri Institute, this event is a significant gathering for scholars of Ottoman and pre-Ottoman studies, featuring a wide range of panels and discussions that delve into various aspects of Ottoman history, culture, and society.

Academic Themes and Panels

The symposium’s program is diverse, covering a multitude of topics related to the Ottoman Empire. Key themes include:

  1. Law and Order in the Ottoman World: This theme explores the strategies and challenges of law enforcement in the 17th and 18th centuries. Panels will discuss crime and punishment in different Ottoman territories, the impact of war on law enforcement, and the role of the Ottoman naval arsenal in maintaining public order.
  2. Religion and Society in Medieval Anatolia: Panels will investigate new approaches to understanding religion and societal structures in Medieval Anatolia, including the influence of various religious and literary traditions.
  3. Diplomacy and International Relations: Discussions will focus on the diplomacy of Ottoman tributaries during the 16th and 17th centuries, examining the political maneuvers and relationships that shaped the empire’s external affairs.
  4. Economic and Commercial Landscapes: This theme addresses the commercial activities and economic policies of the Ottoman Empire. Panels will cover topics such as the olive oil economy, the role of merchants, and the economic interactions between Venice and the Ottoman Balkans.
  5. Cultural and Intellectual Developments: The symposium will feature panels on the transmission of knowledge and cultural practices, including the adaptation of foreign knowledge in the late Ottoman Empire and the development of Ottoman literary culture.
  6. Social and Labor Issues: Various panels will discuss social dynamics and labor practices in the Ottoman Empire, including seasonal and migrant labor, the role of women in socio-economic life, and the impact of infrastructure projects on local communities.
  7. Political and Military History: Several panels will delve into the political and military aspects of the Ottoman Empire, such as the Sokollu family’s political influence, the Ottoman-Habsburg conflicts, and the role of janissaries in the late Ottoman period.
  8. Health and Environment: Discussions will also cover public health and environmental issues in the Ottoman Empire, such as epidemic diseases, urban sanitation, and the management of natural resources.

Emphasis on Albanian Studies

A notable feature of this year’s symposium is the significant focus on the history and experiences of Albanians during the Ottoman period. Various panels will specifically address the social, political, and cultural aspects of Albanian life under Ottoman rule. Topics include:

  • The role of Albanian soldiers in the Ottoman military campaigns.
  • The administrative and social structures in Ottoman Albania.
  • The influence of Ottoman governance on Albanian cultural and intellectual life.

These discussions aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of the complex interactions between the Ottoman state and the Albanian population, shedding light on how these historical dynamics have shaped contemporary Albanian society.

Cultural and Social Events

In addition to the academic sessions, the symposium will include social events designed to foster networking and collaboration among participants. A welcoming cocktail at the MAK Albania Hotel and a cultural tour to Berat are planned, providing attendees with opportunities to experience Albanian culture and history firsthand.

The 25th Symposium of the CIÉPO in Tirana promises to be a landmark event for scholars of Ottoman and pre-Ottoman studies. With its rich program of academic panels and cultural activities, the symposium will offer valuable insights into the complexities of Ottoman history and society. The Sami Frashëri Institute looks forward to hosting this prestigious gathering and contributing to the ongoing scholarly discourse in this field.

For a detailed program of the symposium, please consult the full program available on this page.

“Sami Frasheri” hosts 25th Symposium of the International Committee for Pre-Ottoman and Ottoman Studies (CIÉPO)

The 25th Symposium of the International Committee for Pre-Ottoman and Ottoman Studies (CIÉPO) is set to take place in Tirana, Albania, from June 21st to June 25th, 2024, hosted by Sami Frasheri Institute and Europenan University of Tirana. This marks a historic occasion as it is the first time the CIÉPO Symposium will be hosted in Albania since its inception in 1974 in Naples, Italy. Organized by the Sami Frashëri Institute in cooperation with the European University of Tirana, the event underscores the growing significance of Albania in the global academic community and highlights the country’s rich historical connection to Ottoman studies.

Academic Importance

The CIÉPO Symposium is a pivotal event in the field of Pre-Ottoman and Ottoman studies, offering a platform for scholars to present cutting-edge research, engage in scientific discussions, and enhance cultural and historical understanding of the Ottoman era. Since its establishment, the symposium has facilitated interdisciplinary collaboration and contributed significantly to the advancement of knowledge in the field. The biennial gatherings have become renowned for their role in fostering scholarly dialogue and exploring the multifaceted history of the Ottoman Empire.

Global Participation

This year’s symposium is expected to welcome more than 200 distinguished scholars from over 30 countries, including participants from prestigious institutions such as Harvard, Princeton, Cambridge, and Oxford. The selection process was highly competitive, with over 370 scholars applying to participate, underscoring the event’s prestige and the widespread academic interest in Ottoman studies. The symposium’s international nature highlights the global commitment to and the scholarly importance of this field of study.

Significance of Hosting in Tirana

Hosting the 25th CIÉPO Symposium in Tirana is a momentous event for Albania. It highlights the country’s growing role in international academic circles and its contributions to the field of Ottoman studies. The symposium provides a unique opportunity to spotlight Albania’s historical connections to the Ottoman Empire and enrich the local academic landscape. Furthermore, it fosters international collaboration and offers Albanian scholars a platform to engage with global discussions on Ottoman history.

The 25th CIÉPO Symposium in Tirana represents a landmark event in the academic calendar for Pre-Ottoman and Ottoman studies. It promises to be an enriching assembly of minds and ideas, furthering our understanding of one of history’s most influential empires. The symposium will foster scholarly exchange, promote interdisciplinary research, and enhance the global academic community’s appreciation of Ottoman history. This historic gathering is set to contribute significantly to the intellectual and cultural enrichment of the field, and the support of donors will play a crucial role in its success.


The International Committee for Pre-Ottoman and Ottoman Studies (CIÉPO) is a prominent academic institution dedicated to the study of historical periods preceding and including the Ottoman era. Founded in 1974, CIÉPO aims to support, coordinate, and disseminate research across various disciplines within the humanistic sciences, including history, philosophy, the history of religion, literature, and ethnology, all related to Pre-Ottoman and Ottoman contexts.

CIÉPO is committed to inclusivity, welcoming scholars from diverse national backgrounds based on their scholarly contributions. This principle fosters rich, interdisciplinary dialogue among researchers and enhances the collective understanding of Pre-Ottoman and Ottoman histories. Membership in CIÉPO requires active engagement in the organization’s symposia, emphasizing the value placed on direct scholarly exchange and contribution to the field.

The biennial symposia organized by CIÉPO are pivotal events in the academic calendar for scholars interested in Pre-Ottoman and Ottoman studies. These gatherings serve as platforms for presenting research findings, discussing theoretical and methodological issues, and forging collaborative relationships among scholars. Since the inaugural symposium in Naples in 1974, these events have been instrumental in advancing the field, marking significant milestones in the dissemination of knowledge and scholarly debate.

The trajectory from the first symposium in Naples to the upcoming one in Tirana in 2024 underscores the growth and evolving scope of CIÉPO’s activities over fifty years. This progression reflects CIÉPO’s adaptability to new academic challenges and its ongoing commitment to enriching the field of Pre-Ottoman and Ottoman studies. Through these symposia, CIÉPO has not only facilitated the exchange of ideas but also contributed to shaping the academic discourse on these historical periods, underscoring the organization’s enduring impact on the study of Pre-Ottoman and Ottoman histories.

In a thought-provoking session of “Conversations with Brenton,” Dr. Mentor Beqa, the Executive Director of the Institute “Sami Frashëri” and an accomplished scholar in political science, delves into the essence and significance of nationhood. This episode, steered by the adept host Brenton Kotorri, embarks on an exploratory journey into what binds a distinct group of people together, compelling them to collectively envision a future.

Key Discussion Points:

Definition of a Nation: Dr. Beqa offers profound insights into the concept of a nation, beyond the confines of nationalism, emphasizing the shared aspirations, history, and cultural identity that unite people. The Role of Imagination in Nationhood: Highlighting the power of collective imagination, the conversation navigates through how nations are formed not just by shared geography but by the shared dreams and narratives of their people. Societal and Cultural Connectivity: The episode enriches the discourse on how nations contribute to the fabric of global diversity, fostering a sense of belonging and identity among individuals. Dr. Beqa’s participation in “Conversations with Brenton” sheds light on the intricate layers of nationhood, offering listeners a deep dive into the constructs that hold societies together. This engaging dialogue serves as a valuable contribution to understanding the foundations of communal living and the future of nationhood in a rapidly changing world.

For those intrigued by the dynamics of nations and the collective journey of people, this episode featuring Dr. Mentor Beqa is a must-listen. Catch the full conversation on “Conversations with Brenton” through this link:

The Media section highlights the Sami Frasheri Institute’s active engagement with the press and broadcast media, where our experts provide analyses, comments, and expert insights on a wide range of topics, including geopolitical, political, social, and economic developments. Through this platform, we share our contributions to television programs, podcasts, interviews, and articles, reflecting our commitment to contributing to informed public discourse. Our team’s media appearances underscore our role in offering nuanced understandings of complex issues, emphasizing the importance of expert perspectives in shaping discussions on both regional and global scales. For inquiries about expert insights in the fields of our work, please contact us at

During a recent appearance on the 13:00 news diary on A2 CNN, Mentor Beqa, the Executive Director of the Institute “Sami Frashëri” and a lecturer in International Relations, shared his insights on the OSCE summit that took place in Skopje. The summit occurred amidst escalating tensions between the West and Russia, primarily due to Russia’s aggression towards Ukraine, putting the organization on the verge of fragmentation.

Beqa’s commentary highlighted the palpable tension and conflict characterizing the summit, noting the challenges in achieving consensus within such a charged atmosphere. His analysis sheds light on the complexities of maintaining unity and constructive dialogue within international organizations during times of geopolitical strife.

For those interested in understanding the intricate dynamics at play during the OSCE summit and its implications for international relations, Beqa’s discussion provides a critical perspective.

Follow the conversation here.

The Media section highlights the Sami Frasheri Institute’s active engagement with the press and broadcast media, where our experts provide analyses, comments, and expert insights on a wide range of topics, including geopolitical, political, social, and economic developments. Through this platform, we share our contributions to television programs, podcasts, interviews, and articles, reflecting our commitment to contributing to informed public discourse. Our team’s media appearances underscore our role in offering nuanced understandings of complex issues, emphasizing the importance of expert perspectives in shaping discussions on both regional and global scales. For inquiries about expert insights in the fields of our work, please contact us at

On TRT World, Dr. Mentor Beqa, the Executive Director of the Institute of Political Studies “Sami Frashëri,” shared his insights on the controversial agreement between Albania and Italy regarding the hosting of migrants intercepted in the Mediterranean Sea aiming to reach Italy. The agreement, which involves establishing centers in Albania to hold these migrants, has sparked significant debate and concerns.

Dr. Beqa emphasized the asymmetric nature of the agreement, pointing out that “Albania is not getting anything in return” for its cooperation in managing the EU’s migration challenges. He questioned the rationale behind Albania’s decision to facilitate the EU’s migration management efforts without clear benefits for the country itself.

The discussion highlighted the broader implications of such agreements for non-EU countries like Albania, which find themselves involved in the European Union’s efforts to address migration and asylum-seeking flows without being full members of the union. Dr. Beqa’s commentary shed light on the complexities and potential pitfalls of international agreements on migration management, particularly for countries on the periphery of the EU.

This media appearance offers a critical perspective on the dynamics of international migration agreements and the position of smaller states in these discussions. Dr. Beqa’s insights contribute to the ongoing debate on migration management, the responsibilities of EU and non-EU countries, and the need for equitable agreements that consider the interests and capacities of all parties involved.

Watch the full conversation and explore Dr. Beqa’s analysis on this pivotal issue at TRT World’s YouTube channel.

The Media section highlights the Sami Frasheri Institute’s active engagement with the press and broadcast media, where our experts provide analyses, comments, and expert insights on a wide range of topics, including geopolitical, political, social, and economic developments. Through this platform, we share our contributions to television programs, podcasts, interviews, and articles, reflecting our commitment to contributing to informed public discourse. Our team’s media appearances underscore our role in offering nuanced understandings of complex issues, emphasizing the importance of expert perspectives in shaping discussions on both regional and global scales. For inquiries about expert insights in the fields of our work, please contact us at

In a comprehensive analysis for Middle East Eye, Dr. Mentor Beqa, the Executive Director of the Institute of Political Studies “Sami Frashëri,” discussed the implications of the migration agreement between Albania and Italy. This deal, which involves Albania hosting asylum seekers as part of an off-shore plan, has attracted international attention and raised concerns over its impact on migrants’ rights and regional migration policies.

Dr. Beqa elaborated on the nuances of the agreement, highlighting the potential challenges and consequences for both Albania and the broader European Union’s approach to migration. His insights delve into the geopolitical ramifications of such agreements and the ethical considerations surrounding the treatment of asylum seekers and migrants.

The discussion in Middle East Eye underscores the critical need for balanced and humane migration policies that respect international laws and the dignity of all individuals. Dr. Beqa’s commentary contributes to a deeper understanding of the complexities involved in managing migration flows in Europe and the Mediterranean, emphasizing the importance of solidarity, responsibility-sharing, and adherence to humanitarian principles.

This media appearance by the Executive Director of “Sami Frashëri” underscores the institute’s commitment to engaging in vital international discussions and providing expert analysis on pressing global issues.

Read the full article and explore Dr. Beqa’s comprehensive insights on the Albanian-Italian migration agreement at Middle East Eye.

The Media section highlights the Sami Frasheri Institute’s active engagement with the press and broadcast media, where our experts provide analyses, comments, and expert insights on a wide range of topics, including geopolitical, political, social, and economic developments. Through this platform, we share our contributions to television programs, podcasts, interviews, and articles, reflecting our commitment to contributing to informed public discourse. Our team’s media appearances underscore our role in offering nuanced understandings of complex issues, emphasizing the importance of expert perspectives in shaping discussions on both regional and global scales. For inquiries about expert insights in the fields of our work, please contact us at

Dr. Mentor Beqa, a distinguished scholar in international relations, recently shed light on the democratic developments—or lack thereof—in the Balkans, specifically focusing on Albania and Serbia, in his appearance on Ditarin e orës 13:00. His analysis not only pinpointed the challenges faced by these nations in nurturing democracy but also ventured into forecasting the region’s trajectory towards European Union integration.

Discussion Highlights:

Democratic Backsliding: Dr. Beqa articulated concerns over the observable democratic regression within the Balkans, with a particular emphasis on the situations unfolding in Albania and Serbia. EU Integration Forecast: Moving beyond diagnosis, Dr. Beqa ventured to predict the implications of the current political and democratic landscape on the Balkans’ EU aspirations. Critical Analysis: Through his expert lens, Dr. Beqa provided a nuanced understanding of the geopolitical and internal dynamics influencing democratic processes and European integration efforts in the region. Significance of the Appearance:

This media engagement by Dr. Beqa underscores the Institute “Sami Frashëri”‘s dedication to providing profound insights on pivotal issues shaping the Balkans’ political and democratic contours. The discussion elucidates the intricacies of democracy development challenges and the strategic pathways towards EU integration, reflecting on both the hurdles and prospects lying ahead for the region.

Watch the Full Discussion:

For audiences keen on delving into the democratic dynamics of the Balkans and their EU integration prospects, Dr. Beqa’s analysis offers an enlightening perspective. The comprehensive discussion is accessible through the provided link, inviting viewers to engage with the critical discourse on future trajectories for Albania, Serbia, and the broader Balkan region.

Watch the full conversation here:

The Media section highlights the Sami Frasheri Institute’s active engagement with the press and broadcast media, where our experts provide analyses, comments, and expert insights on a wide range of topics, including geopolitical, political, social, and economic developments. Through this platform, we share our contributions to television programs, podcasts, interviews, and articles, reflecting our commitment to contributing to informed public discourse. Our team’s media appearances underscore our role in offering nuanced understandings of complex issues, emphasizing the importance of expert perspectives in shaping discussions on both regional and global scales. For inquiries about expert insights in the fields of our work, please contact us at

Dr. Mentor Beqa, the Executive Director of the “Sami Frasheri” Institute, made a significant appearance on TV Klan’s ‘Opinion,’ one of Albania’s most prestigious television shows, to discuss the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestinians in Gaza.

Key Points from the Discussion:

During the show, Dr. Beqa provided an insightful analysis of the complex dynamics of the Israel-Palestine conflict, focusing on the latest escalation in Gaza. He explored the historical context of the conflict, the triggers for the recent escalation, and the implications for both regional stability and international relations.

Dr. Beqa emphasized the humanitarian aspects of the conflict, highlighting the devastating impact on civilians caught in the crossfire. He called for a renewed focus on diplomatic efforts to bring about a sustainable resolution to the conflict, stressing the importance of international mediation and support.

Audience Engagement:

The discussion prompted a significant response from viewers, who engaged with the topic through social media and live call-ins. Many expressed concern over the humanitarian situation in Gaza and the need for a peaceful solution to the longstanding conflict.


Dr. Beqa’s appearance on ‘Opinion’ shed light on the critical issues at the heart of the Israel-Palestine conflict. His expert analysis contributed to a deeper understanding of the situation among the Albanian audience and underscored the urgency of seeking peaceful resolutions.

Follow the full conversation in the link below to gain more insights into Dr. Beqa’s perspectives on the Israel-Palestine conflict: Watch Here

The Media section highlights the Sami Frasheri Institute’s active engagement with the press and broadcast media, where our experts provide analyses, comments, and expert insights on a wide range of topics, including geopolitical, political, social, and economic developments. Through this platform, we share our contributions to television programs, podcasts, interviews, and articles, reflecting our commitment to contributing to informed public discourse. Our team’s media appearances underscore our role in offering nuanced understandings of complex issues, emphasizing the importance of expert perspectives in shaping discussions on both regional and global scales. For inquiries about expert insights in the fields of our work, please contact us at

In a recent publication for “Revista Shenja,” Dr. Ardian Muhaj, Chairman of the Trustee Board of the “Sami Frasheri” Institute, provides a critical analysis of the persistent issue of corruption within the Albanian political sphere and its broader implications in the Balkans. Muhaj’s discourse delves into the perennial political promise to combat corruption and oligarchy, exposing it as largely rhetorical with minimal substantive change.

The Illusion of Anti-Corruption Measures:

Dr. Muhaj articulates that despite the frequent vows from successive governments to address corruption and dismantle oligarchical structures, these pledges often result in no significant action. He argues that this cycle of empty promises perpetuates the very conditions that enable corruption to flourish.

Oligarchy as a Symptom of Misgovernance:

A key thesis of Muhaj’s article is the notion that oligarchy is not an isolated phenomenon but rather a direct outcome of poor governance. He suggests that as long as the political and economic systems allow for the concentration of power and wealth in the hands of a few, efforts to combat corruption will remain ineffective.

The Need for Genuine Reform:

Muhaj calls for a reevaluation of the strategies employed in the fight against corruption, emphasizing the necessity for genuine reform that addresses the root causes of oligarchy and corruption. This includes implementing democratic controls and mechanisms to limit the power of political parties and individuals, ensuring accountability, and fostering a more equitable society.


Dr. Ardian Muhaj’s insights in “Revista Shenja” challenge the Albanian political class to move beyond rhetoric and enact meaningful changes to combat corruption and oligarchy. His analysis underscores the interconnectedness of governance, corruption, and societal equity, urging a comprehensive approach to reform that could serve as a model not only for Albania but for the broader Balkan region.

For a deeper understanding of Dr. Muhaj’s critique and proposals for addressing corruption in Albanian society and the Balkans, read the full article here.

The Media section highlights the Sami Frasheri Institute’s active engagement with the press and broadcast media, where our experts provide analyses, comments, and expert insights on a wide range of topics, including geopolitical, political, social, and economic developments. Through this platform, we share our contributions to television programs, podcasts, interviews, and articles, reflecting our commitment to contributing to informed public discourse. Our team’s media appearances underscore our role in offering nuanced understandings of complex issues, emphasizing the importance of expert perspectives in shaping discussions on both regional and global scales. For inquiries about expert insights in the fields of our work, please contact us at